Event on February 11, 2011
Location: The Convent of St. Cecilia, Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Openings presents 32 Below, a group exhibition featuring works by emerging artists residing in NYC. The former St. Cecilia’s Convent in Greenpoint is the setting for this electrifying show, offering 4 floors with total of 40 rooms filled with paintings,works on paper,photography,mixed media and installations. I will present my latest series of works entitled “Intermissions – Dancers’ Rest”, executed in penicl, ink, acrylic, permanent marker and collage on “left-over” panels that were used to mount works on paper for previous shows. In a sense this is a revival of these “useless” materials that were literaly saved from the dumpster and now have their “second act” – similar to the one that performers have after the intermisson.